Multiloop HTML5 Visualizer

EM Modelling in Your Browser

The HTML5 Visualizer is a webGL program that operates directly in your web browser. It is built using javascript and three.js. This program uses mouse and touch interactions to select objects, and uses a protractor tool to translate or rotate them in a 3D scene. To run the visualizer here and now, visit our webtools portal. See also, Electromagnetic Modelling for the Web.

The videos below demonstrate building plates and solving for the scattered field response, as well as the use of variable conductivity to fine tune each node on the mesh.

The use of variable conductivity to fine tune each node on the mesh
Demonstrating multiple features
Building a plate
Adjusting plot settings
Importing a PTE file
Generating synthetic responses for the KBH survey
The use of the surveys and models controls
Building a plate... second example.
Demonstrating multiple features... second example.

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Try the latest version below

Tested since...

  • Chrome 34
  • Safari 7
  • Firefox 31
  • Opera 23
  • Internet Explorer 11

Also on mobile devices

  • iOS 10
  • Android 7.0 Nougat

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WebGL will run on most modern browsers!
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